Walking out Warm Springs Road
Ketchum, ID
Thursday 15 August 2024 76 °F
Yesterday, Wednesday, August 14, I hiked down Warm Springs Rd west of the condo in which we stay every summer. I saw a number of birds with the highlight being point blank views of an AMERICAN DIPPER. To see bird photos from the day, visit the eBird checklist from my outing here, it was some really enjoyable birding:
It was a beautiful morning in the 60s and I captured this scene with the sunflowers which proliferate along this stretch of road.
Later, I said bye to Parker and my dad who had to fly home today. My mom and I will stay out here until next friday — it was so nice to have the four of us out here together at the same time since 2019!
Stay tuned — today my mom and I head back up into the Boulder Mountains to hike to Silver Lake. It should be a beautiful day on a hike I have always wanted to do!
Happy birding,
World Life List: 1304 Species