Day 10: Last Full Day in Italy
Thursday 1 May 2014 65 °F
Now that my camera is working again and I'm seeing more birds on this trip, I will be writing more complete posts.
Our morning was devoted to a walking tour of Florence, mainly focusing on architecture. The only bird of note was a PEREGRINE FALCON that was seen briefly.
Then, after a panini lunch, my family and I took a bus up to a beautiful town nestled in the mountains overlooking Florence. The view from a certain overlook we walked to was absolutely stunning:
I also saw this CITRIL FINCH:
The final bird of note was a seen-but-not-photographed life bird EURASIAN NUTHATCH.
After this post, I am going to a restaurant to eat my last Italian dinner with my family. Yum!
Good birding and stay tuned,
World Life List: 716 Species (1 life bird today: Eurasian Nuthatch)
Great photos of the family, miles of smiles and a working camera. We will be out today in a convertible searching our favorite rookery for life. Where are you off to next?? Stay away from Ukraine still, it's getting worse. Bon voyage....
by Edward Vincent