A Travellerspoint blog

Day 25: Cotswolds to Lacock

semi-overcast 73 °F

Sorry, but this will be another relatively short post, and without pictures because of yet ANOTHER untimely camera malfunction. Today my family, Uncle John, and I basically drove from a small town in the Cotswolds to another beautiful rural English town called Lacock. Pronounced "LAE-cock."

It was a beautiful day of 73 degrees and partly sunny skies. Apparently, the northern suburbs of Chicago had SNOW a few days ago, which would be the first time in at least ten years when snow has been recorded in May, and one of the few times on record!

On the other hand, Chicago is going through its peak bird migration. I am having a common birding symptom called "Warbler Withdrawal," which happens when a birder misses the bulk or all of warbler migration (me).

Tomorrow will be our last full day on this trip. It will be devoted to touring around the area, including seeing Stonehenge from afar. Tonight and tomorrow night will be spent here in this beautiful village, and then we drive the London airport on Sunday and fly home to Chicago!

I have mixed feelings about returning home. It will be concluding our travels for this winter, which I am unhappy about, however, I miss many of my friends back in Chicago, and also I miss the WARBLERS, so thankfully I will be back for the tail end of warbler migration!

Because I neglected to give birding summaries for Turkey, Italy, and France, here they are (I will do my England birding summary tomorrow):

24 life birds
Best bird: Yelkouan Shearwater (globally threatened species)

7 life birds
Best bird: Citril Finch

15 life birds
Best bird: European Robin


Good birding and stay tuned,

World Life List: 664 Species (no life birds today)

Posted by skwclar 14:13 Archived in England

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I believe the lingo in the region you have been hiking and touring calls women "birds" and you should count them. If they need be migrating, do so at the airport. Nothing political, just

by Edward Vincent

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