A Travellerspoint blog

2nd Oak Park Bird Walk of Fall 2014

semi-overcast 47 °F

I apologize for the late post, but last Sunday I led one birder, Ed McDevitt, on the second Oak Park Bird Walk of the season. It was unseasonably cold (47 degrees) but the birds were relatively abundant and active, especially when compared to the first walk of this fall. Before I give the details of the walk, here is a list of more of these upcoming free walks that I will lead and a link to go to the new Oak Park Bird Walk website.

7:00am Sunday, September 21
7:00am Sunday, October 5


Here are some photos from this walk:


SWAINSON'S THRUSH, very common on the walk:

Female CAPE MAY WARBLER, a very nice species for Oak Park:


The walk was overall more productive than the first one with 29 avian species seen in total, including more "good" birds including 7 types of warblers. As always, it was a pleasure to bird with Ed McDevitt.

Good birding,

World Life List: 700 Species (no recent life birds)

Posted by skwclar 20:06 Archived in USA

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including more "good" birds including 7 types of warblers.Thanks for share

by Nelly Rahman

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