A Travellerspoint blog

Audubon Photo Contest

semi-overcast 42 °F

I recently entered these ten photos into the youth division of the annual Audubon photo contest. Please tell me which ones are your favorites in the comments!

Also, my trip with my family to southeast Arizona, arguably the best birding location in the entire country, is almost definitely going to happen over this spring break! Yay!

May 2013: Male Cerulean Warbler, Yankee Springs National Recreation Area, Barry County, Michigan, USA:

June 2013: Male Indigo Bunting, Cap Sauers Holdings Forest Preserve, Cook County, Illinois, USA:

November 2013: Male Violet-bellied Hummingbird, Canopy Tower, Gamboa, Panama:

January 2014: Wandering Albatross, Kaikoura Bay, New Zealand:

February 2014: Male Scarlet Robin, Kangaroo Island, Australia:

March 2014: Black-crowned Night-Heron, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore:

June 2014: Male Cedar Waxwing, Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County, USA:

July 2014: Male Dickcissel, La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA:

July 2014: Male Magnolia Warbler, Madeline Island, Wisconsin, USA:

December 2014: Northern Hawk-Owl, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA:

Good birding!

World Life List: 708 Species (no life birds today)

Posted by skwclar 18:23 Archived in USA

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Great shots! My favorite one is the picture of the singing Indigo Bunting. Will you be birding at Patagonia Lake State Park in Arizona? Good luck with the contest!

by isoo

The photos are wonderful! Would probably choose the robin or the hummingbird if we had to pick! Good luck in the contest!

by Ann Gunkel

Cedar Waxwing with its soon to be grape meal.The Scarlet Robin, the light was not perfect.

by steve fluett

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