Not Every Bird You Chase You Get!
Saturday 7 November 2015 49 °F
Today I went on a truly wild goose chase to find a rare bird that had shown up in the Lincoln Park Zoo of Chicago. It was a Common Ground-Dove which is a vagrant from Mexico (and not an escaped zoo bird because they don't house that species), and it would have been a life bird for me had I seen it.
After riding the CTA "El" and bus to get there and even searching with some very kind birders, I could not find the bird between 3:30pm and 5:00pm.
I was so concentrated on finding this dove, in fact, that the only other bird I bothered photographing was this juvenile RING-BILLED GULL hanging out with the flamingoes:
There is always tomorrow! If the bird is reported again tomorrow morning, I will try to find it again during the afternoon!
Good birding,
World Life List: 865 Species (no life birds recently)