Joy to the Warbler!
Thursday 24 December 2015 44 °F
Sometimes you don't have to go further than your iPad to find a life bird!
Today while I was looking back on the photo below taken on April 19 of this year, I realized I had made a previous misidentification about this photo (which I originally thought to be a Pine Warbler)! It is actually a PRAIRIE WARBLER - a life bird for me because that is the only time I have ever seen that species!
To compare the two species, here are the links to their species pages on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's website:
Pine Warbler:
Prairie Warbler:
Stay tuned, I leave for my Wisconsin/Sax-Zim Bog trip the day after Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
World Life List: 886 Species (1 life bird today from April 19: Prairie Warbler)
Where did you see the warbler? Was it the one that showed up in your yard?
by Isoo