Spring Birds & Blooms
Sunday 3 April 2016 70 °F
Hello birding friends,
A bit of birding and photography around my neighborhood on this beautiful 70-degree day (as opposed to 32 degrees and snowy yesterday!) yielded some nice finds, the best of which were 4 different Hawks - 2 COOPER'S, one RED-TAILED, and one unidentified accipiter.
Here is a male AMERICAN GOLDFINCH who is molting into his beautiful breeding plumage. He should look stunningly golden by the middle of the month:
I monitored the local COOPER'S HAWK nest, and both adult birds were in the area. The second bird has an avian prey item (probably a House Sparrow) if you look closely:
Male DARK-EYED JUNCO, a winter species which will hopefully be gone (to the boreal forest in Wisconsin or Canada) by the middle of the month.
And finally, some nice bright daffodils in front of my house to light up your day!
My family enjoyed the beautiful flowers.
Bird-of-the-day to the pair of COOPER'S HAWKS - I wish them a successful nesting season and hopefully I'll get to watch them raise young! They are nesting right along the main Oak Park Bird Walk route so hopefully they will treat many other birders to their spectacle throughout the spring.
The next time I will probably post (unless a rare bird suddenly shows up) will be around April 16, which is the first Oak Park Bird Walk of the season at 7:00am! Email me at trumpetswan (@) comcast.net to reserve a space(s) on this, and any other walks, this spring.
For more information, visit: https://sites.google.com/site/opbirdwalks/home
Wish me luck on my last 7 hectic weeks of my sophomore year!!
Good birding,
World Life List: 886 Species (no recent life birds)
Lucky had nothing to do with it.my friend. .you did the hardware works for your grades.I'm proud to call you a friend roger
by Charley