A Travellerspoint blog

Pine Warbler!

all seasons in one day 40 °F

Hello birding friends,

Yesterday I drove with my dad to my friend Jill Anderson's backyard where she had recently reported a photogenic male Pine Warbler, a beautiful warbler species of early spring migration.

I soon found him, but didn't get a good look at him as he only came to a bird bath on the far side of the yard:

So I stuck around for a while to see if he would be more cooperative. In the meantime, I found another yellow bird, a common but beautiful male AMERICAN GOLDFINCH:

And when I turned around, the male PINE WARBLER was feeding on the suet feeder a facemelting three feet in front of me. I snapped these photos of the beauty:

What a bird! You don't even need to guess what my bird-of-the-day is, the Pine Warbler of course!

I still have spots open on many Oak Park Bird Walks this spring at locations as varied as my own backyard to local migrant trap Columbus Park and a local grassland called Miller Meadow. We could see many warblers (15-20 species of warblers alone can be seen in Oak Park on a single good day in May), including possibly Pine like this one I had yesterday! Email me at trumpetswan (@) comcast.net to reserve your space at one or more Oak Park Bird Walks - attendance is by reservation only.
For more information, please visit: https://sites.google.com/site/opbirdwalks/home

Good birding,

World Life List: 885 Species (no recent life birds)

18 species (+1 other taxa) yesterday:

Cooper's Hawk 1 Flyover five blocks to the east.
Mourning Dove 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Black-capped Chickadee 3
Golden-crowned Kinglet 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
American Robin 4
European Starling 1
Pine Warbler 1 Beautiful adult male, seen, photographed, and heard singing. Fed on suet feeders.
Dark-eyed Junco 10
Northern Cardinal 5
Red-winged Blackbird 1
Common Grackle 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
blackbird sp. 5
House Finch 4
American Goldfinch 7
House Sparrow 5

Posted by skwclar 13:50 Archived in USA

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Fantastic photos Henry! So exiting that spring is finally coming!

by Isoo

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