Croy Creek Wetlands
Thursday 18 August 2016 87 °F
Catching up on the last few Idaho posts...on Tuesday I attended a bird walk my birding friend Poo Wright-Pulliam led for a summer camp here in Sun Valley, Idaho. We drove down to Croy Creek Wetlands in Hailey and found a few nice things, including this male DOWNY WOODPECKER:
LEWIS' WOODPECKER, nice and apparently uncommon in the valley this year:
NORTHERN FLICKER, western "Red-shafted" race - note the red shaft (undertail) feathers on this bird:
And this CASSIN'S VIREO was awesome and gave me the best looks I have ever had of this species, and it was Poo's 200th bird in Idaho this year!
So a more low-key, but fun, day on Tuesday. Bird-of-the-say for Tuesday goes to the Cassin's Vireo with runner-up to the Lewis' Woodpecker.
Good birding,
World Life List: 925 Species (no life birds on Tuesday)
Posted by skwclar 18:08 Archived in USA Tagged yellow_warbler lewis_woodpecker northern_flicker downy_woodpecker cassins_vireo