A Travellerspoint blog

Oak Park Bird Surveys

all seasons in one day 77 °F

Just a quick note today, this year for a year-long school project I will doing bird surveys every weekend here in Oak Park until next May to study the relationship between weather/climate and bird presence/activity. The project will be chronicled on a blog devoted solely for this project, although I may also occasionally post about it here if I get enough photos that are post-worthy.

Good birding,

World Life List: 925 Species (no recent life birds)

Posted by skwclar 18:42 Archived in USA Tagged oak_park_bird_surveys

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Exactly what the littlest day people want to know as well as my self, often wonder on some days, what is going on with their " birds " absence.

by steve fluett

Please let us know when we can reach your survey blog, and how. This is a much-needed project. I see changes in the timing of migration and nesting here in rural SW Wisconsin, as evidenced by my daily journal entries over the last 17 years.

by Liz Cifani

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