A Travellerspoint blog

Rail Royalty

all seasons in one day

On July 2, I birded Bartel Grassland Forest Preserve with my good buddy Jonathan Bontrager from Indiana in hopes of finding a rare species called a King Rail, a bird that would be a life bird for him!


And after a bit of walking and sweating in the sun, we found our bird!!!!!

A VIRGINIA RAIL was also present:

As well as Rail chicks, of which we're unsure as to the species. King or Virginia? Any thoughts?

This Beaver was also nice, a "life mammal" for me!

Bird-of-the-day goes to the adult King Rail, an awesome find for Illinois!

Also a quick note - due to my departure from IBET, migration reports will not be posted there in the future, but instead onto my migration blog (which you can subscribe to receive the reports in emails):

Good birding,
World Life List: 929 Species (latest life bird as of 6-8-17: Least Bittern)

Posted by skwclar 21:25 Archived in USA

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I would say "king", because of the dark bill.

by Liz Cifani

On second thought- how big was this juvenile? Smaller would be Virginia, bigger would be king. The bill color in the photos could be misleading.

by Liz Cifani

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