A Travellerspoint blog

My 8th Idaho Trip Begins!

all seasons in one day 88 °F

Ah, I am finally caught up with blog posts!

Now, I have started a two-week music camp called "The Encounter" which culminates in choral and operatic performances in conjunction with the Sun Valley Summer Symphony in which my parents play here in Idaho.

The flight here by myself was nice:

And I'm having a blast!!! Soooo much fun! All smiles here!

After camp, I have ten days of birding, hiking, and enjoying nature here in the Sun Valley area - so stay tuned! This camp is quite busy, though, so I might not post until after camp. :)

Good birding!

World Life List: 929 Species (no recent life birds)

Posted by skwclar 21:36 Archived in USA

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Are you going to be out there for the eclipse on August 21st?

by Liz Cifani

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