A Travellerspoint blog

Day 9: My Dad Arrives!

all seasons in one day 70 °F

Hi all,

Today the central event of the day was driving to Auckland and meeting my dad at the aquarium. We toured the aquarium after that, and then checked in at our new hotel. It was a pleasant day and nice to see my dad again after two weeks. Tomorrow will be our only full day in Auckland.

Basically the same species of birds seen yesterday were seen today, with no new life birds. Bird-of-the-day to the many beautiful NEW ZEALAND PIGEONS which flew over the car on the way to Auckland. Non-wild-bird-of-the-day to the KING PENGUINS which I saw in the zoo.

Good birding and stay tuned,

World Life List: 476 species (no new life birds today)

Posted by skwclar 23:58 Archived in New Zealand

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Glad Dad made it safe and sound! Give him a big hug for us! Love, AM

by Mary Jahangir

Henry--I am your Uncle Mory's friend. We do a lot of bird photography together. I have been to New Zealand (south island) three times, and I really enjoyed the birding there. Have fun taking pictures of them.

by Bruce Bartel

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