A Travellerspoint blog

Leaving for Panama tomorrow!

Hi all,

My family and I are leaving for Panama tomorrow (Monday, November 25, 2013).

We will be flying to Panama City and staying in the area for three days. I will hopefully have a chance to get to know Panama's more common birds there, as well as do a bit of shorebirding on Panama City's famous mudflats. We will also be birding the Rainforest Discovery Center and the Pipeline Road area.

Next, we will stay in Boquete in the mountainous region of western Panama to see the cloud forest and look for the amazing Resplendent Quetzal for six days.

Before going home, we will fly to Bocas del Toro in the northeast of Panama and stay there for about six days, watching for seabirds and wintering songbirds (it is one of the best places in Panama to see wintering songbirds from the US).

Stay tuned!


Posted by skwclar 18:47 Archived in USA

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