Thanksgiving Day Piping Plover!
Montrose Point, IL
Thursday 22 November 2018 30 °F
Today, now that I am back for Thanksgiving, my Uncle Mory and I went to Montrose Point. No, we did not see any turkeys — but we did find a PIPING PLOVER! This is particularly noteworthy because it is the latest record EVER for this species in Illinois — and I have the photographic proof!
It was such an obliging bird that at one point it got just five feet away from my Uncle Mory. I just hope it leaves soon so that this beautiful individual of a sensitive species survives!
Out by the Fishhook pier there were some BUFFLEHEAD:
Then, in the hedge I found this RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET:
And RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS such as these populated the harbor today, as well as a few COMMONS.
Bird-of-the-day to the Piping Plover, which was an AMAZING find!
Good birding,
World Life List: 596 Species
Great pictures! and Happy Thanksgiving
by Mary Stevens