A Travellerspoint blog

Day 23: Tackling the Torres


all seasons in one day 55 °F

12+ mile hike today with 2700+ feet elevation gain. So incredibly tired. But worth it. My camera is still low-battery—

LIFE BIRD?: maybe Patagonian Mockingbird? Anybody know?

On the way up-

Amazing views at the top.

LIFE BIRD: some sort of Tyrant but need help with species ID! let me know in comments :)

On the way down.

Shed two layers & hid them under a tree thirty minutes into the hike! Later successfully found them on the way back!

Incredible, once-in-a-lifetime hike. Bird-of-the-day to my mystery birds. Stay tuned: tomorrow is my last day in Patagonia: I fly back to NYC in the evening!

Good birding,
World Life List: 1108 Species (1-2 pending life birds today)

Posted by skwclar 16:47 Archived in USA

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Safe travels back to New York, Henry! I can't wait to see the pictures from your camera once you have your battery fully charged. I loved 'traveling' with you and your family on this awesome trip!

by Susie

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