Snooping Around for Snipes
Miller Meadow Forest Preserve, IL
Saturday 21 March 2020 28 °F
Thanks to a tip from my friend Jill Anderson, Tian and I headed to Miller Meadow Forest Preserve in Hines, IL to look for Wilson’s Snipe which have been seen in the marshy grassland there the last few days. Upon arrival, I spotted my “spark bird” which first got me interested in birding: COOPER’S HAWK:
Then, I pointed out an opossum to Tian which she found extremely cool.
We even tracked it all the way to its den which was in a large man-made depression in the ground. Awesome!
I hope this RED-TAILED HAWK doesn’t find it though:
Sure enough, I soon flushed a total of eight WILSON’S SNIPE in the marsh Jill said they were in! These guys are nearly impossible to photograph at most times due to their affinity for tallgrass marshes and their tendency to fly away as fast as they can as soon as they sense your presence. Unlike the Woodcock at Montrose yesterday (which happen to be an extremely similar species), I was able to snap a couple recognizable shots of these birds in flight. Bird-of-the-day! Thanks for the heads-up, Jill.
Stay tuned — this is just the beginning trickle of spring migration. It just gets better and better as the temperatures warm up! (and hopefully the virus will, too)
Good birding,
World Life List: 1111 Species
Opossums are great! They eat ticks. Definitely the good guys :-)
Glad to see that you and Tian are able to get out and about to do some birding. Stay safe!
by susie