Miller Meadow with Pearl and Tian
Hines, IL
Monday 20 April 2020 57 °F
Today I revisited Miller Meadow with Pearl and Tian in hopes of refinding the beautiful Rusty Blackbirds from yesterday, among other things. It was a quiet trip overall but nice to be outside on a beautiful day. Here is a BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD — I couldn’t find the blackbirds with which it was associating yesterday.
There were quite a few flyovers including RED-TAILED HAWK:
At one point, Pearl even spotted a vole (a possible future snack for the hawk!). She freaked out upon almost stepping on it, hah!
My bird-of-the-day will be the EASTERN MEADOWLARK. I was able to give Tian and Pearl a brief look at this beautiful bird before he flew away.
Stay tuned! The next wave of migrants should move in tomorrow night with the expected southerly winds!
Good birding,
World Life List: 1112 Species