A Travellerspoint blog

June 1: June Big Day!

Cook County, IL

semi-overcast 71 °F

On June 1, Isoo O, Ethan E and I covered Cook County in hopes of beating our record for the June Cook County big day we set of 132 species back in 2019. Our hopes were high because there had been multiple nights with northerly winds, keeping most lingering migrants from moving further northward. Furthermore, we had researched meticulously beforehand to pin down any rare breeders or “weirdo” species that were hanging around anywhere — beating 132 is a tall order and until our perfectly-planned big days in recent years it would have been seen as nearly impossible. I have linked the checklist (with photos) from the day so you can see the incredible amount of birds we were able to find. It was one of the most incredible birding days of my life for sure!


Good birding,
World Life List: 1126 Species

Posted by skwclar 17:34 Archived in USA

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