Idaho Day 5: Annual Baldy Hike!
Ketchum, ID
Sunday 21 August 2022 89 °F
Continuing my yearly tradition of birding my way down Mt Baldy, I was pleased to have Will join me to hopefully get him some new birds. Great species I have had on Mt Baldy in the past include Black-backed & Three-toed Woodpeckers, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Northern Pygmy and Flammulated Owls, Townsend’s & other Warblers, and Dusky Grouse — among many other montane specialties. So my hopes were high, especially since one year I encountered a downright bird fallout while hiking down!
We also had a butterfly target: the Rocky Mountain Parnassian. Upon arriving on the Baldy summit following the gondola ride, we noticed a proliferation of butterflies — just no Parnassian, though Poo told us they have a population hanging on at the top of the mountain. This is a different, but still beautiful butterfly. The Parnassian we were hoping is mainly white with little orange and black dots.
Upon embarking on the trail, we immediately came upon a small passerine flock including VESPER SPARROWS:
We were stoked to briefly spish up a MACGILLIVRAY’S WARBLER!!
And we froze in our tracks when Will whispered “Dusky Grouse!” and sure enough, just like last year with mom and Tian…four incredibly tame DUSKY GROUSE crossed the trail right in front of us. They all appeared to be immature birds. Incredible!
To give perspective, here is Will photographing one of the Grouse:
Then, along the next switchback, Will spotted our butterfly target — a beautiful Rocky Mountain Parnassian:
Here it is in front of the picturesque Pioneer Mountains! The views were beautiful today, too.
Unfortunately, the second half of the hike was extremely as due to construction, we had to hike back to River Run instead of Warm Springs, taking us through less-desirable habitat. We did have an AMERICAN KESTREL fly over at one point:
And a STELLER’S JAY right at the end:
It was a great hike despite the slow end! Bird-of-the-day to the Dusky Grouse with runner-up to the MacGillivray’s Warbler. Stay tuned for more great birding!
Happy birding!
World Life List: 1139 Species